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- বেআইনি নির্মান এবং দুর্নীতিগ্রস্ত পুর কর্তাদের বিরুদ্ধে কঠোর ব্যবস্থা গ্রহণের দাবিতে এবং সামগ্রিক পুর-দুর্নীতির প্রতিবাদে আজ পশ্চিমবঙ্গ প্রদেশ কংগ্রেস কমিটির আহ্বানে কলকাতা পৌরসংস্থার সদর দপ্তর ঘেরাও কর্মসূচীতে উপস্থিত ছিলেন আইএনটিইউসি-পশ্চিমবঙ্গ শাখা
- “All India Shramik Samman Yatra” is being organised from 27th January to 25th February, 2025
- কলকাতা বইমেলায় “কংগ্রেস বার্তা”র স্টলে উপস্থিত ছিলেন আইএনটিইউসি রাজ্য সভাপতি মহঃ কামরুজ্জামান কামার সাহেব। তাঁকে সম্বর্ধনা দেওয়া হয় “কংগ্রেস বার্তা”র পক্ষ থেকে
- কলকাতার ঐতিহ্য হলুদ ট্যাক্সিকে রক্ষার স্বার্থে আজ পশ্চিমবঙ্গ রাজ্য INTUC সেবাদলের সভাপতি “ট্যাক্সিম্যান” শ্রী প্রমোদ পান্ডের নেতৃত্বে ৪ সদস্যের একটি প্রতিনিধিদল আজ পশ্চিমবঙ্গ সরকারের ভারপ্রাপ্ত পরিবহনমন্ত্রী শ্রী স্নেহাশীষ চক্রবর্তীর সঙ্গে দেখা করেন
- আজ কলকাতা বিশ্ববিদ্যালয়ের কলেজ স্ট্রিট ক্যাম্পাসে কলকাতা বিশ্ববিদ্যালয় ছাত্র পরিষদ ইউনিট ও পশ্চিমবঙ্গ রাজ্য ছাত্র পরিষদ আয়োজিত সরস্বতী পূজায় উপস্থিত ছিলেন আইএনটিইউসির নেতৃবৃন্দ
Indian National Trade Union Congress (INTUC) is a national trade union in India. It was founded on 3 May 1947 and is affiliated with the International Trade Union Confederation. According to the Ministry of Labour, INTUC had a membership of 3.95 million in 2013, making it the largest Trade Union in India. Currently, the National President is G.Sanjeeva Reddy and State President is MQ. Qamar. INTUC has been maintaining very close relationship with AICC. Acharya JB Kripalani, who was the then President of the Indian National Congress inaugurated the Founding Conference of INTUC. Under the guidance of Mahatma Gandhi, the founding fathers in their wisdom preferred to let the INTUC have an independent identity with its own constitution, while at the same time functioning as an arm of the Congress.
INTUC WB Website was Inaugurated on 22.06.2022
Md Qamruzzaman Qamar, President, INTUC WB Branch
State INTUC office 2, Haji Md Mohsin Square, Kolkata 700016
Created by
Sourav Kundu, Social Media In-charge, and Team

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FROM THE DESK OF M.Q. QAMAR - State President
The people of our country especially the working class are facing multifarious challenges due to misuse of Constitution of India, Labour Laws, Enactment of labour Codes, faulty Economic and Industrial Policies adopted by the Central and many State Governments, curtailing the rights of citizens and snatching away the prime existing Labour Laws such as Trade Union Act, 1926 and diluting the Factories Act covering Social Security to the workmen, working both in formal and informal sectors. The Indian Economy is continuously going down and unemployment is sky – touching. The Government of India in most unscientific manner declared Lockdown in the country due to COVID 19 Pandemic in the late March, 2020 and the Prime Minister of India announced Note Bandi (demonetisation) and GST directly affecting the underprivileged class of people, SMEs and Traders engaged in different trades. Due to the pandemic, the workforce were thrown out from their employment and the Migrant Workers were ill-treated by the Industries, State Governments and the bureaucracy resulting in loss of lives, poverty and hunger.
INTUC being the largest free Trade Union Organisation of the World under the leadership of Dr G Sanjeeva Reddy, Ex MP, has been mounting pressure in the Government to extend financial aids to the workmen especially the Migrant workers and the workers working in the informal sector and SMEs but both Central and the State Governments are acting indifferently adding more pains to theworking class at one hand.
The authoritarian attitude and faulty labour and industrial policies adopted by the Government of West Bengal led by Mamata Banerjee created non-congenial atmosphere in the State. Moreover, it has already scared the Investors to invest their Capital in the State due to which there is a flight of unemployed skills and artisans are moving either to another States or to foreign Countries. The present prevailing political situation is chiefly responsible for the current state of affairs. Moreover, Mamata Banerjee is blatantly using Administrative bodies especially the Police Force to terrorize the workers and the workers who want to build movement against the law violators, are being stopped due to reign of the terror created by the goons of the ruling party backed by the State Police.
In order to apprise the civil society, working class and the citizens of India, we, INTUC West Bengal Branch, have decided to install our WEBSITE in the name of the State INTUC which will contain news, views, day-to-day happenings and workers and union activities and their achievements which I hope, will enlighten the people especially the working class. I extend my sincere thanks to Mr Sourav Kundu and his team for devoting his precious time for creating and handling the State INTUC Website.
I shall be looking forward for everybody’s help and co-operation.