A mass demonstration at the Office of the Executive Director (Works), DSP was organised today by all the functional trade unions of Durgapur Steel Plant (SAIL) regarding fulfilment of following demands :
1) Pending Arrear Payment wrt Wage Negotiation for 39 months,
2) Revision of allowances,
3) Revision of different other allowances including night shift allowance,
4) Review of Puja Bonus/Exgratia
5) Wage Revision for the Contract workers,
6) Revision of incentive schemes
7) Withdrawal of new Gratuity rule etc.
The DSP as well as SAIL Management was warned if the demands are not fulfilled within a stipulated timeframe, this mass movement would be strengthened and also if required, a strike (bundh) through out SAIL would be organised on 29th & 30th January, 2024, as per the unanimous decision taken by the senior leaders of all the functioning Central Trade Unions at DSP.
On view of the above, it was also decided that a strike notice / ultimatum would be served by the CTUs to the SAIL Management on 12th January, 2024.