Agitational programme at Hul Ltd, transport depot road, near taratala road. In presence of Mr Qamruzzaman Qamar, President, INTUC, West Bengal Branch and Ashutosh Chatterjee addressed the agitating workers and local social activists. Mrs Sagarika Das, Mahesh Balmiki, Swapan Sarkar, Priyesh Tiwari @Rahul Tiwari and Soumen Biswas participated in agitational programme against faculty Employment/Recruitment policy adopted by HINDUSTAN UNILEVER LTD ( LIPTON TEA) and adamant attitude of management regarding employment to local unemployed youth. Mr Qamruzzaman Qamar and Ashutosh Chatterjee alongwith Mrs Gunja handed over a memorandum. Management assured to look into the demands submitted by the union sympathetically.