From the desk of #MQamruzzamanQamar, President, #INTUCWestBengal State Branch and Member, #AICC :
Congratulations to the leaders and members of Confederation of state government employees, an INTUC affiliate for their heroic fights against government’s apathetic attitude and totally denial mode of Honourable Chief Minister of #WestBengal with adamant attitude to deny payment of arrear D.A. amounting to Rupees 43000/ crores.
Let us pray for employees who have been fighting against autocracy and attack on lawful rights and legitimate demands for payments of arrear D.A.
DA Hike – পশ্চিমবঙ্গের ডিএ নিয়ে সবচেয়ে বড় আপডেট, 3 তারিখেই দফারফা, বেজায় খুশি সরকারি কর্মীরা।