“It has come to my notice that Steel Authority of India Limited (SAIL – a Maharatna Organisation) has taken an unilateral decision to pay exgratia, precisely the Puja Bonus (as per the enclosed organisational order), to it’s employees, while there was no consensus, in the last NJCS meeting, held at New Delhi on 01.10.2024 between the SAIL Management and the NJCS member union representatives.
It’s highly objectionable and high handedness of Ministry of Steel, Government of India. It’s reason to believe that government of India has no respect for Trade Unions and are unilaterally taking decisions as if there is no law of the land. The unitateralism in taking decisions will bring demotivation and erode the Working Relation between the Central Trade Unions and the government of India. It will be harmful for country’s economy in future” —
M Qamruzzaman Qamar, President, INTUC, West Bengal Branch and National Senior Secratery, INTUC and Member, AICC.