Today on 15.06.2023 the Seminar was held at Dr. Meghnath Saha Auditorium, DVC Towers, Kolkata to oppose the CPPC System, to Save DVC & to save DVC’s existing Proven System of Pension Payment which was organised by Joint Platform of DVC Pensioners & Employees.
The prominent speakers of the seminar were Md. Qamruzzaman Qamar, President INTUC-WB Br., Shri Bikash Ranjan Bhattacharjee, MP & Vice President of CITU affiliated union at DVC, Shri Manohar Tirke, Ex-MP & Vice President of National committee of UTUC.
The seminar given the clarion call for immediate recruitment to fill the vacant posts to save the most important institution like DVC which was the brainchild of Dr. Meghnath Saha and the dream project of Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru, constituted by Law on 7th July, 1948 to resist flood at Damodar valley due to the overflow of Damodar river by forming 7 dams and to use the water reserved at the reservers for agricultural purposes.
It is pertinent to mention here that this BJP government has tried to shift the Headquarter of DVC to other state which was stopped due to the joint movement of the Trade Unions.
The seminar opposed the CPPC System (Pension will be given by Bank instead of Company) imposed by DVC management instead of existing Proven System of Pension which will cause uncertainty and irregularity of getting pension for more than 15,000 retired employees and existing employees too. CPPC System has already created various problems for disbursement of pension and many companies have already closed their doors with CPPC System and returned back to existing Proven System of Pension again.
The members of the INTUC, CITU, UTUC and other Trade Union units of DVC were present in this jam packed seminar and make it meaningful and successful all the way which send a prominent message to the DVC management that if not withdrawn the movement will be initiated by the joint platform at optimum level against the said draconian decisions of DVC management.