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Extraordinary General Body meeting organized by the Union Bank Employees Congress, on 01/09/2024, at Salt Lake, Kolkata, a Galaxy of leaders

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In an Extraordinary General Body meeting organized by the Union Bank Employees Congress yesterday, on 01/09/2024, at Salt Lake, Kolkata, a Galaxy of leaders including Mr S B Menon, of Union Bank, Mr Qamaruzzman Qamar, President, INTUC (WB) and many a Bank union leadership, addressed the burning and contemporary issues that the bank employees are facing these days.

Mr Menon, Vice President, All India INBEF from Mumbai, described about the present banking scenario and the issues that are being badly faced by the bank employees like drastic reduction in the Officer – Clerk ratio from 33:66 in 1970-71 to 74:26 in 2023-24, updation of pension, 5 days a banking week and many other issues.

M Qamaruzzman Qamar gave a resounding call to all trade unions to unite, forgetting their differences. He said that it’s unfortunate that the Trade Unions in our country are being controlled by the political parties. This is the main reason, why all unions can not fight jointly for the same resentment.

Mr. Ashish Kundu, President, Union Bank Employees Congress, WB, Debapriya De Sarkar of PNB, Mr Shambhu Deb, Indian Bank, Mr Barun Sarbadhikary, Central Bank and many Banking Trade Union leaders also addressed the meeting.