The highly volatile and globalized economic world made it a mandate to protect the interests of workers along with that of industrialists. The rise and development of trade unionism have been a significant move to protect and strengthen the interests of the workers governed by The Trade Unions Act, 1926. India currently has more than sixteen thousand trade unions with about ten million labour memberships. In the 1850s, India witnessed the creation of textile and jute mills and the laying of railways. This was when the labour issues started to come out. In the year 1875, the first labour commission occurred in Bombay, under the leadership of S.S.Bengalee. It resulted in the appointment of the First Factory Comnmission in the year 1875 and later, The Factories Act, was passed in the year 1881. The union started by M.N.Lokhande, known as the Bombay Mill Hands Association, was the first organized labour union in India. 


The period from 1918 to 1924 is marked to be the early trade union era which is the starting point of the Labour Movement in India. The growing disruption in the living condition of the workers during the First World War, created class consciousness amongst them which sparked the labour movement. The establishment of Home Rule, development of Gandhi an leadership, the martial law in Punjab, Russian Revolution, and creation of International Labour Organization (ILO) contributed momentum to the labour movement. India became one of the founding members of the organization. N.M. Joshi was recruited as a representative of India to ILO’s conferences and sessions. This made the workers understand the need to organize, resulting in creation of the All India Trade Union Congress in the year 1920.


Indian National Congress was the authority in seven territories which led to the formation of multiple unions and more involvement in the nationalist movement. Congress adopted the method of promotion of worker interests along with maintaining industrial peace. The Bombay Industrial Disputes Act was passed in the year 1938 which dealt with the compulsory recognition of unions by the employer which was the main boost to the growth of Indian Trade unionism.


The workers in India are only a section of the people and not a class apart. The culture and their tradition form a part of the common heritage of the people of India. In organizing them and seeking the redressel of their grievances, ways and means have to be evolved in consonance with our condition.

What is required is an indigenous movement having its roots in the Indian soil. Such a movement has for long been in existence and has attained a remarkable center. A new organization that would give the correct lead to the working class and strives to established social justice, peace and security with a constitution which would be essentially democratic giving every one of its constituent units ample scope for free expression of views and action has become imperative.

INTUC is one of the unions that is continuously committed to maintain and regulate a fair and transparent justice mechanism to foster and promote sound industrial atmosphere in the state and country at large. We don’t speak much rather we believe in action. Let us, showcase a case study on this aspect to our viewers on how INTUC stands apart.